
Fried Pearl Rice with Prawns “脆波波” 虾仁蛋炒饭

When eating healthy or trying to cut down on your calories count, FoodQi’s Konjac Pearl Rice is a superb substitute to actual rice. An ideal staple food for everyone – learn how to cook it easily. 

1-2 servings


200 g konjac rice 

8 small fresh prawns

2 medium eggs (beaten)

1 chinese sausage (chopped)

1 spring onions (finely chopped)

2 small white cauliflower (chopped)

1 small yellow capsicum (chopped)

2 small onions (chopped)

3 cloves of garlic (chopped) 

1 tbsp Olive Oil 

1/2 tbsp light soy sauce

Black Pepper


  1. Drain the water in the package and boil the drained konjac rice for 3 minutes, then drain it off and set aside. This gives better texture. 
  2. Add a small amount of water to the pot and boil the chopped cauliflower. Drain it and fry  slightly until it becomes soft. 
  3. Heat up a wok over a high heat, add oil, add 2 eggs and stir-fry them slightly, then set aside. 
  4. Add oil to pot, slowly saute the chopped onions over a low heat, add garlic. 
  5. Fry the chinese sausage cubes and shrimp, then add cauliflower and capsicum.
  6. Pour in FoodQi’s Konjac Pearl Rice and fried eggs. Add appropriate amounts of soy sauce and black pepper to stir fry. Garnish with some spring onions, and enjoy!

“脆波波” 虾仁蛋炒饭

分量:1 – 2人


魔芋“脆波波” 1包(200克)

小海虾 8 只

鸡蛋 2 颗

腊肠 1 条(切碎)

青葱 1 根(切粒)

白花椰菜 2小朵(切碎)

小橙色灯笼椒 1个(切碎)

小洋葱 2 粒(切碎)

蒜头 3 瓣(切碎)

橄榄油 适量

酱青 适量

黑胡椒 少许


1. 打开福氣 “脆波波” ,沥干水分,用水冲洗后,放入沸水中煮3分钟,捞起沥干水分,待用。

2. 锅中加入少量的水,把切碎的花椰菜倒入,略炒到微软,水干后将花椰菜取出放一旁备用。

3. 热锅后加油,打入两颗鸡蛋略炒,取出备用。

4. 锅内加油,用小火爆香小洋葱碎,再加入蒜蓉一起爆炒。

5. 加入腊肠粒和虾子一同翻炒,随后加入花椰菜、灯笼椒继续翻炒。

6. 放入之前煮过的“脆波波” 和炒香的鸡蛋,加入适量酱青和胡椒粉一同拌炒。最后洒上青葱粒当点缀即可享用。

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